oneLife Maps Circle Membership

$20/month or $240/year

Community, Training, and Resources for oneLife Maps and other spiritual growth tools.

Here's What Membership Includes

  • Live Monthly Calls: A time of teaching, training, and conversation about how to use the maps and other spiritual growth tools with others.

  • Deeper Conversations community: A live call every other month for a time of teaching, personal reflection, and dialogue as we take a deep dive on one spiritual growth resource together. (Optional Listening Groups are also available.)

  • Resource Library: video training, schedule and slide templates to use the Maps with others, downloadable practice guides, and more!

  • Private Chat Space: Connect with others who use the maps and spiritual growth tools in their work or ministry, plus get direct access to the oneLife Maps team for support.

Join Our Community and Start Your Journey with oneLife Maps!

$20/month or $240/year

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